Gratitude Before Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Gratitude With Amida Wealth

Feasting on Thanksgiving is such a blessing! Sometimes we forget there are ways to show our gratitude outside of making incredible meals for the ones that we love. This Sunday Funday incorporate new activities into your thanksgiving ritual to give it a little extra love this year! Here are 5 Thanksgiving activities that don’t involve feasting.

Embrace Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It’s about focusing on what’s good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, even computer access. Perhaps take a moment to be grateful for your warm cup of coffee, the smell of roasting coffee, the essence of a yummy candle, the twinkling of the stars at night, the sweet ocean breeze. In other words, embrace gratitude for the little things in the present moment. Fall in love with the here and now.

Be Present This Thanksgiving

Amida Vibes encourages you to be present in your wealth journey. Being present simply means you’re focused and engaged in the here and now, not distracted or mentally absent. When we look back or forward and live in that state, we forget to savor the now. We don’t get to truly experience the moment. Life is like a movie, it is a bunch of clips put together to tell a story. In other words, Wealth is the ability to fully experience life and embrace the journey. What are you grateful for in the here and now?

Additionally, It’s ok to lose being present sometimes! To Know how to get back into the present moment is key! Perhaps do a morning yoga or meditation class, involve yourself in a Turkey Run/Walk, go outside and take a fresh breath, or step away from your current situation and take 5 deep breathes. In other words, learning how to reconnect back to yourself will always guide you back to gratitude.

5 Grateful Activities This Thanksgiving

#1. First, Make greeting cards for a nursing home. This can be a simple card that shares an inspirational and kind message to those that are in a different phase of life than us. In other words, kindness goes a long way!

#2. Second, plan to watch a cozy family movie. Be intentional about your planning so that everyone will be available to enjoy peace and time together!

#3. Third, make a list of everything you are grateful for and put it on the fridge. Perhaps continue to add to this list and allow the whole family to participate in this intentional thought process.

#4. Fourth, write gratitude cards for your family and friends that you are thankful for! Inspire those out of state, or even perhaps your neighbors, to really spread and feel the love.

#5. Lastly, if you are an entrepreneur, perhaps you write thank you cards to all of your incredible clients this thanksgiving season. Wealth is a mindset!

Amida Wealth Family Conversations

At your next family and friends gathering encourage the topic of gratitude. Express the importance of a gratitude list! Perhaps, get everyone involved. In other words, share your Amida Vibes! How do your family and friends express love and gratitude in their life? In what ways can they obtain new strategies? When was the last time they wrote thank you cards? Perhaps, bring thank you cards that everyone can use and create an activity out of it. Share your wealth! Embrace your gratitude, and fully immerse yourself into your wealth mindset.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, wealth is a mindset. The more gratitude we have for the simple things in life, the more abundant we will become. We must deeply feel gratitude for all that we have, to continue to acquire more finances and assets that brings our soul to peace. At Amida, every Thanksgiving, we send a homemade Kahlua cake to all of our clients so that they can share at the Thanksgiving table. It’s become such a fun tradition that now they are sending us video of their ventures with their delicious cakes! We are always here to support your journey! Amida is one phone call and email away.


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MIAMI, FL 33127

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MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790



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