Build a Solid Financial Foundation

Build A Solid Financial Foundation With Amida Wealth

When you read about money matters, you may see the phrase, “getting your financial house in order.” What exactly does that mean? To some, when your financial “house is in order,” it means it is built on a solid foundation. It means that you have “pillars” in place that are designed to support your long-term financial well-being. Amida’s 5 Pillars of Wealth are career, personal growth, relationships, finance, and health. Our job is not just to help you become financially independent. It goes much further, stretching past the horizon. In other words, such a journey means careful preparation. It is your path to walk, and courage may be required. If there is no clear path for you to take, we will build one for you. And we will guide you!

5 Useful Tips For A Solid Financial Foundation

#1: Banking Relationship. First, be sure that you have a banking relationship that fits your needs. Different banks have unique advantages and disadvantages. In other words, more than one bank may be required for checking and savings. Additionally, know your habits! Do you go to the bank and ATM, or are you more comfortable with transactions online? Know thyself and create a banking relationship that fits your lifestyle!

#2: Emergency Fund. We call this your reserve, or “just in case money”. Understand and know the right levels for your emergency fund! At Amida Wealth, we educate you on the importance of interest rates in the environment. Ensure that your liquid money is up to date!

#3: Retirement. It is important to understand the need for retirement, and your future. Workplace retirement savings are a start but hardly ever sufficient as a stand-alone solution. In other words, we like to call this your road to financial independence! Have a plan.

#4: Insurance. Insurance is the transfer of risk to a third party. Life insurance is just one piece of the puzzle! Disability insurance is for injury in the years you save and build. Business insurance is for business owners. How much can you afford to have? Are you aware of how much to transfer out? How does risk play into your financial situation? Insurance, including auto insurance, is personal and tailored to your needs!

#5: Estate Strategy. Estate planning is one aspect of working towards your legacy. Your legacy is every life you’ve touched. Every person who you inspired. Who you’ve helped or mentored or taught, and who has been moved by your journey. Your estate plan is not just financial, it is the values that are important to you and the lessons you wish to leave behind.

Amida Wealth Family Conversations

At your next family or friends gathering encourage the topic of a solid financial foundation. Do they understand the concept of a financial foundation? Who has been their financial mentor? Where do they acquire their financial education? Who do they go to for help when they are stuck? In other words, engage in these topics and expand your wealth energy. The more confident and comfortable you welcome discussing financial matters– the more expansive your wealth energy becomes. You become open, and available to receive and engage in useful feedback. Wealth is a mindset! Expand your Amida abundance.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, wealth is a mindset. When it comes to building a solid financial foundation it is important to have a mentor and someone who has gone through the process several times before. Let’s create something amazing together! Amida Wealth is just one phone call and email away.


218 NW 24th street

MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790




218 NW 24th street

MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790



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