The Energy Of Saying Hello To A Stranger

The Most Powerful Message We Share Is The Energy We Put Out

To celebrate summer, our blogs will take after our Summer Series called Amida Vibes. Amida vibes is about infusing energy and expanding who we are each day. In our first post we discussed The Art Of Giving. The exercises provided in each blog allows for expansive conversation that will contribute to your financial wealth journey. After all, wealth is not just one thing. Wealth is everything.

The Energy Of Your Smile

We shift peoples’ day with power of our smile. When we say hello, have a beautiful day, we encourage others to greet us back with the same energy and warmth. This makes others’ feel seen.

A Purdue University study emphasized this phenomena. A psychologist at Purdue University studied how people felt when a young woman walked by them. She made eye contact, made eye contact and smiled, or completely ignored them. Brief eye contact increased people’s sense of inclusion and belonging. They felt seen. The opposite is also true. The people that were “looked through” felt disconnected and ignored. As a result, it requires little energy to acknowledge somebody’s existence. Small acts of kindness are essential in our wealth journey. When we open up our energy field we become expansive to opportunity.

5 Ways To Say Hello To A Stranger

At Amida Vibes we understand that the energy we put out is vital in our wealth journey. Use today as an opportunity to expand your energy field and say hello to a stranger. These small acts are simple, and may greatly enhance someones’ day. Here are 5 ways you can say hello to a stranger to make them feel seen and acknowledged.

Smile at someone when you are walking down the street.

Smile at the person behind you at the check-out line.

Acknowledge a stranger in the elevator.

Smile at someone at the crosswalk.

Hold the door open for someone in a coffee shop.

These simple acts of kindness and acknowledgement may just be the catalyst for someone to have an extraordinary day. Expand your wealth energy field to witness your own potential for opportunity while encouraging others to expand and grow subconsciously as well.

Amida Vibes Family Conversations

Art of conversation improves personal, social and work relationships. It creates opportunity to connect with interesting new people, and introduces you to various new topics and subject matter. Encourage new conversation topics at your next family dinner. Ask questions like,

Do you say hello to strangers? What makes you feel uncomfortable about it? How do you feel when someone smiles at you? When was the last time you connected with a stranger? As a result, you will see deeper truths in your wealth journey. Where do you feel blocked? Why are there blocks?

Be gentle with yourself. Your family may hold old patterns of beliefs that are culturally impacted. This is a growth process. These conversations are important to discover in order to unearth hidden truths in your wealth journey.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, when we step outside of our normal routine there is endless opportunity. This is especially true when we connect with other people. When we slow down and create space to connect, our money energy begins to flow in new directions. As a result, we are exposed to new opportunities in our wealth journey. The next time you walk into an elevator keep your phone in your pocket. Acknowledge the presence of that other person. Say “hello” or “good morning” to the stranger. Discover where your kindness can take you in your journey to abundance when you allow wealth energy to flow.


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MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790



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