Ground Into Your Wealth Journey

How Our Wealth Journey Shifts When We Learn To Ground Ourselves

A grounding practice will leave you feeling more peaceful, calm, and intentional. Therefore, individuals become more aware of their limiting beliefs, goals, and aspirations.

What is Grounding?

Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or reconnect you back to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on the body.

The origins of earthing go back thousands of years. Earth’s power and energy have been acknowledged throughout history. Initial records date back to the Chinese, who focused on ‘Earth Qi’.

In the book, Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?” by Clinton Ober, Martin Zucker, and Stephen Sinatra. The authors introduce the planet’s powerful, amazing, and overlooked natural healing energy and how people anywhere can readily connect to it.

Emerging scientific research supports the concept that the Earth’s electrons induce multiple physiological changes of clinical significance. This includes reduced pain, better sleep, and a shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic tone in the autonomic nervous system. Chronic health symptoms are rapidly relieved and even eliminated, and recovery from surgery, injury, and athletic overexertion is accelerated.

When you walk barefoot on the earth your body picks up free ions from earth’s surface that act as antioxidants in your system. Therefore, you should walk barefoot on the earth whether it be sand, dirt or grass. Scientific tests and research show that as little as 30 minutes walking outside barefoot will show internal changes and benefits. If you are new to this practice it may feel strange at first. In other words, give yourself the permission to feel discomfort.

Understand Your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are states of mind about yourself that restrict you in some way. Everyone experiences limiting beliefs. As a result, learn how to identify them so you can proactively prevent these beliefs. Here are the most common money limiting beliefs:

  • Money is Scarce.
  • I Am Unworthy.
  • You Need Money to Make Money.
  • Having Money is Selfish.
  • More Money = More Problems.
  • Money Needs to Be Held Onto.
  • I Am Not Good With Money.
  • Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness.

Understand Your Goals

What are your short term and long term goals? Look at where you are today. In other words, asses your structure and your strategy. Think about your goals with the following questions:

  • Where do I want to be in 5 (or 10) years?  
  • What are some shorter-term goals that can help me get to my long-term goals?
  • What do I want to accomplish this year?
  • What do I enjoy, and what am I good at doing?
  • What do I enjoy but could get better at doing?
  • What do I enjoy doing but don’t do very well?
  • What energizes me?
  • What tires me?
  • How much sleep do I need to really function well?
  • What relaxes me?
  • What stresses me out?

What Adjustments or New Goals Can You Create?

As you move along the path towards reaching your goals, taking time to go back and recalculate your progress will help prevent you from losing sight of what’s important. In addition, it will lead to sustainable development and keep you motivated at each milestone accomplished. We are meant to grow, revisit, and re-asses. Revisit your goals with these questions:

  • What are your 5 most important values in life right now?
  • What are your 3 most important goals in life right now?
  • What would you do, and how would you live if you just learned that you only have 6 months to live?
  • What would you do if you won $1 million today, and had absolutely no limitations in what you could be/do/have?
  • What have you always wanted to do, but were afraid to try?
  • What do you most enjoy doing – more than anything else?
  • Imagine you were granted one wish and that you were guaranteed to be completely successful in whatever you chose: What one great thing would you dare to dream if you were guaranteed that you would not fail?
  • Do you want it badly enough, and are you willing to pay the price to get it?

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, when we ground ourselves, we become present to how things feel. Our financial lives are fully connected to what we perceive as wants and needs and those wants and needs are heavily influenced by our younger years. As a result, grounding allows us to come into presence with those original teachings where we can now question them or create a healthier relationship with them.

Wealth is living in a state of prosperity and mindfulness. This involves components of money’s energy but also a balanced comprehension of your senses. These are exemplified by Amida’s 5 Pillars of Wealth: Career, Personal Growth, Relationships, Finance, and Health.

At Amida Wealth we encourage you to use grounding as a tool to connect deeper to your goals. Please share your experience with us. Will you incorporate grounding into your life to enhance your wealth journey?


218 NW 24th street

MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790




218 NW 24th street

MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790



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