Lessons Learned Through Our “New Normal”

I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard the phrase: living through our “new normal”. Or living past “Covid-19”. I have to ask myself, what is normal? Or is it that we, for the sake of normalcy, need to call such a massive change in our lives something so that we can feel better? But what if we could embrace a new perspective into what these changes in our lives are? What if we say to ourselves, “Ok, I’m being forced to look at life differently. How do I continue to live towards my vision of life through these changes?” After all, aren’t changes what help us grow? 

I can’t speak for everyone but I can say some new lessons have been learned during this period we are asked to stay home. And perhaps the biggest lesson is how we can quiet the noise and continue to grow within ourselves. 

If I look at today from a different perspective, we are all being forced to change at the same time. I’ve had the privilege of working with many clients through this period of change, and if there is one commonality I’ve noticed is the separation between those connected to a vision, a purpose, versus those living day-to-day, at the mercy of those around them. The attitude and perspective the former share are connected to a bigger picture. They view this period as a time to re-align their priorities and to ensure their actions continue to help them achieve their goals. 

I wanted to dedicate this blog to all the beautiful souls I’ve come across and who, no matter what I may be going through the day, know how to bring a laugh to my soul. Just listening to them share their experiences, watching them grow and appreciate their own challenges, gives me a belly laugh that speaks to my soul for I know how much each accomplishment means to them. 

I’ve seen everything from re-connecting with family, partners, their own children, finding a new them, conquering a technology challenge, a new workout routine, and best yet, learning to let go of what they can’t control. I’m a true believer that we all travel this world with lessons to learn, that is why we call this our journey. How beautiful it is that we get a chance to break, connect, ground ourselves and continue along our paths. 

I know I cannot define everyone’s goals and lessons but each of you can for yourselves. Sometimes you need a coach to help you get started. So, if there is no better time than now to connect to a leader who gets you and helps you get started. Don’t expect them to do the work because as I said earlier, this is your journey. They will just be along to guide you or give you a new way to look at things.

So, go out there, challenge yourself, see things differently and grow with new found lessons along your way. 


218 NW 24th street

MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790

Email: experience@amidawealth.com



218 NW 24th street

MIAMI, FL 33127

Tel. +1305.809.0790

Email: experience@amidawealth.com


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